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Meet our Doctors

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Oxford Eye Clinic a proud provider of vision care products and services in Oxford.

David G Chandler, OD

David G ChandlerDr. Chandler grew up in the Sand Mountain area, and, after obtaining his doctorate at UAB School of Optometry, has been in practice since 1983. He keeps on the cutting edge of eye care through continuing education and the use of modern technology, and understands the old adage, “People don’t care how much you know til they know how much you care”. It’s not just a saying, but our basic philosophy of providing care.

Dr. Chandler concentrates on the medical side of eye care, providing diagnosis and treatment for conditions such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and cataracts. He works with difficult to manage dry eye patients and also specializes in eye muscle control problems that affect reading and sports performance. One of his favorite aspects of eye care is restoring sight to patients who are often legally blind through the use of a specialty contact lens called a scleral lens. Finally, Dr. Chandler provides after-hours emergency eye care services for anyone by accessing his emergency numbers found on this website.

Dr. Chandler loves Alabama football (but still loves his Auburn, Tennessee, Georgia, and some of his LSU patients!) and believes golf is God’s second greatest gift to man. He married Jacksonville native Bridget Reaves (despite her being an Auburn fan) in 1988 and has 3 daughters. Bridget manages his practice while also acting as mom and friend to the rest of the office team. His oldest daughter, Chelsea (the second Dr. Chandler) joined him in practice in the summer of 2017 after graduating from UAB School of Optometry. Courtney is working with the Tuscaloosa Police Department as a crime intelligence analyst (her specialty is in human trafficking). His youngest daughter, Cristen, graduated from Auburn University and is now in law school at Florida State. She currently works with Florida governor Ron Desantis.

“We operate our practice with Biblical principles as our guiding philosophy” advises Dr. Chandler. “If you know those principles, then you know what to expect from us. We invite our patients to hold us accountable to the Word of God.”

Chelsea N Chandler, OD

Chelsea N ChandlerDr. Chelsea is a native of Jacksonville and the oldest daughter of Dr. David and Bridget Chandler. She obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama in 2013, graduating Magna Cum Laude with both International Honors and University Honors distinctions. From there, she then attended the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Optometry. She graduated UABSO in May of 2017, also earning distinction with the Beta Sigma Kappa International Honor Society. Once she passed her national and state boards, she started practicing with her dad in August 2017, and has loved it ever since.

Dr. Chelsea, like her father, enjoys medical optometry and managing eye diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetes; however, she also has a heart for pediatric eye care. She is proficient in myopia management, which few eyecare specialists use in our area. Myopia (nearsightedness) can now be controlled through effective treatments in children ages 4-18, and can prevent eye diseases as children get older. She also manages advanced dry eye patients with the most modern treatment options, and specializes in difficult to fit contact lens patients. Dr. Chelsea is also available for emergency eye care by calling her after-hours number found here on the website.

When she is not with patients, Dr. Chelsea enjoys spending time with her husband, Austin, as well as “hanging out” with her family and friends, including going to football games on Fall weekends (Roll Tide!), going to the gym, playing golf, and just having fun.

Kent C Keys, MD

Coming soon.